Wednesday 6 July 2011

Blog Number Haa (5)

This week has been SO PACKED!!! God continued to fill it up! So packed I didn’t even have a chance to write a blog and I was dying to do that! So here it is… finally. Lol
Ear Update: I went back to the doctors on Monday even tho I was feeling about 95% better! Praise the Lord! He wanted to see me again and even though Natti said you don’t have to go back and see him if you feel better, I still felt like I wanted to hear him say that the ear infection was gone or almost gone. I just wanted to be able to be fully on my game for this base plant ya know? So we went back and he said that it’s almost 100% better. YAY!!! He said that the ear drum wasn’t infected anymore but there was still a little redness and infection in “middle ear” (I still don’t really understand that term – all I know is it’s behind my ear drum) He gave me 3 more days of medication and said I prob don’t have to come back and see him. Now it feels healed… And I just want to thank you all for all your prayers! Khorb Khun Mak Mak Ka! It’s still not a hundred percent healed in all honesty but it’s like 99.987543% better haha. (I still sometimes hear the like crackly sound in my ear when I yawn – but other than I can hear fine and I feel back to normal) 

I'm not the only one who has benefited from the medical system here... Janna was having a hard time reading her computer and she was getting headaches all the time. She thought maybe she needed glasses... And she DID!!! Natti so graciously took her to get her eyes check (which is FREE by the way!) And now she's the proud new owner of a pair of glasses and her headaches are disappearing! She's feeling better!
It’s funny… God knows what He’s doing… because if I was back home, I wouldn’t have wanted to go to the doctor as many times as I had to go here. Especially in a foreign country… Yet I was comfortable going back for my follow up appointments…  It felt like it was no big deal. The first one was a little intimidating because I didn’t know what to expect – but then the first time I was in alot pain so I knew I needed to go there. On another note, if Janna was in Canada an eye exam alon is around $120.00 let alone if you have to buy glasses AND lenses on TOP of that. She got a "more expensive" pair of glasses here in Thailand which I think is still SO MUCH cheaper than what she would have spent in Canada. So blessed to be in Bangkok where there is a great inexpensive medical system! 
On Monday (last week) before we went to the hospital, P’Knock invited Janna and I along with a bunch of the TCCC for lunch at a special noodle shop that had just opened up! It was so much fun and we kind of had an extra Thai lesson because everyone was speaking in Thai around us. My is so cute! She would say things to us but we didn’t know what they meant. So we would ask Kung or sometimes she’d tell us and then we were learning more and more new words!

Our meeting with Rahel - in the middle.

Our days were quickly filling up with meetings (most of them were at 1pm ironically). We met with a couple of Kung’s friends on Tuesday after lunch and explained about the DRIME ministry and the different ways they could be involved. The conversation went on longer than we expected so our DRIME meeting with Natti and Kung that was supposed to be at 2pm got bumped back to 3:15ish… So we quickly touched base with Natti and Kung and our next steps before Natti had another appointment! Wednesday we had a meeting with Kung’s friend Rahel (pronounce Rachelle). I really like her… she stayed and helped us with our Thai a little bit! Thursday we had a meeting with Pop and Sunday we had a meeting with Air. So many meetings!!!
Pancake Breakfast at Natti's place!

Friday morning, Natti invited us over to her house for breakfast and she had made us a pancake breakfast! So yummy!!! Since it was Canada day, somehow we got to talking about Canada day stuff and the national anthem… And of course they made me sing it! I mean I don’t mind… I like to sing… But by myself???  Janna wouldn’t sing with me :P I’m still shy about some things! But I did… I sang... Guess that was my only real Canadian celebration…

Rachel, Ashley, Me and Courtney at
the Canada Day Fireworks 2010

Though I definitely was reminiscing about what happened last Canada Day. I picked up Rachel from the airport (never met her before) in the afternoon… and Ashley got dropped off later that night. We decided to adopt Courtney for the evening and we ended up going out for Canada day celebrations and fireworks… Went to the amusement park, the boys ditched us but we still had fun! And we had good talks too… about what girls usually talk about :P but also I especially remember the one about 2 Corinthians 12:8&9. <3 love you girls! <3

"In the Light" at Mingle Mania
 Friday night was Mingle Mania and it went really well! Fook and Air came early to practice. They did such a great job! They have a great memory because we taught them the drama like 2 weeks ago! We got to have a BUFFET for dinner! So tasty! Like fetticini and salmon sauce (alfredo-like tho), ham slices with spinach, salad bar, a make your own soup with assorted thai noodles and pork balls, sushi, rice, LOTS of stuff… AND dessert! The evening started later than it was supposed because of the rain. It’s hard for people to get around in the rain. It usually appears out of nowhere and starts pouring and then it will stop… sometimes it will stop in half hour sometimes after 3 hours – it’s always different. But with the train and the amount of traffic that was out there… We started later… The program consisted of a game, our presentation and then worship. The game at the beginning was this cup game where you sang, "We pass the cup from left to right, left to right like this, we pass the cup from left to right and we never ever miss". I don't entirely get the rules... But somehow on two seperate teams, Janna and i both won! Lol and ironically they had thai books for prizes - haha so they gave us oil... But they said if we wanted we could have the encouraging words (thai book) as well and give it away - since we couldn't READ it ;) haha. So funny. Next we did our presentation. Natti was our translator. She's so good at translating! I love her for SO MANY REASONS!!! <3 We introduced ourselves and the ministry. I said "Sawatdee ka, Chan choo Samantha ka. Pu-en di chan choo Janna ka. Pu-en di chan choo P'Natti ka" IN THAI! Haha! We also performed "In the Light" with Fook and Air helping us! We shared our testimonies and then we told people how they could get more information and be involved in the ministry here in Bangkok! We had a few people sign up afterwards!!!
Janna sharing her testimony at MRC
Sunday we took a PINK taxi to Rangsit Church! There actually weren’t many around in the morning (we normally see streets FILLED with them but there were like NONE and few cars too!) Janna and I think it’s maybe because of the election! We called Kung and got her to talk to the taxi driver so that we could get where we needed to go (LOL) We got there around 9am and waited to practice with Fook and Air… It’s actually good that we got there when we did because before we knew it, with practicing and technical stuff and praying before the service it was all of a sudden 10:30am!!! The service went really great tho! I saw Kung and Kay doing the dance with me up in the sound booth when I was ‘good girl’… It was good that I was supposed to be smiling because they made me laugh! Janna shared her “3 min testimony” (and I say that only to bug P’Jenjira :P haha) I think her testimony went really well! J And I shared about getting involved in the ministry during announcements. This lady named Esther came up and was chatting with me after the service (while Janna was at the table and lots of ppl were signing up and taking flyers for our info meetings!) and encouraged me and ALREADY donated to DRIME Thailand! I’m already blown away for the way God is providing and how encouraging everyone is about Thailand needing this ministry and they are so grateful we’ve come. They are grateful? I feel SO BLESSED to BE here!!! And it’s awesome and ironic at the same time because P’Knock’s sermon was about giving God the little that you have. It was about God multiplying the bread and the fish and about how “I am the bread of life” how we will never go hungry, God will satisfy our desires our needs, He WILL provide. So give the talents God gave you to Him… small or not…whether that means a little money or a little skill/talent or something you don’t think is useful or worth much… God WILL use that… You WILL be equipped… Just start with that small amount. God will do the rest. And God has been CONSTANTLY providing! Praise HIM!!!
In case you're wondering how my teammate experiences life in a different way, you can check out her blog at - since she was able to post before me this week ;)

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