Wednesday 6 July 2011

Little Quirks/Random thoughts

LIGHTNING STORMS - Despite the fact that it actually rains pretty much every day, it is the “rainy season”, lightning storms are actually a frequent occurrence around here. Janna absolutely LOVES this! If I see lighting from my room I go tell her… because she can’t really tell from her porch. I’ve come to view lighting and thunderstorms as normal occurrences lol… especially from my room. Def fun to watch from my room! 

BUGS - Okay so I dubbed Janna “bug swasher”. But as soon as I was about to praise God for the fact there were no bugs in my room, that’s when I started to see them. (did I jinx myself?) This week I just feel like I’ve seen a lot! Many a time has there been these tiny ants that like to make a home in my towel… I usually notice them after my showers… EW!!!!!! :S… But at least they are tiny and I can wash my towel! Today Janna noticed an ARMY of these tiny ants... all over my bathroom sink and bathroom floor! Sooooo many! Yuk mak! Then there are constantly bees surrounding the smoothie shop… Which makes me very nervous to order a smoothie… those ladies that work there every day must be very brave indeed! The other night after Janna left my room, this miniature beetle-like bug scurried across the floor of my bathroom… at first I thought it was just a piece of fluff that moves when I walked in but then I SAW IT… so I froze and it froze… so I went to get a flip flop… but I missed. I didn’t see it after that. Probably went into a hole in the wall or something?

SPECIFICALLY: SPIDERS - But THE MOST shocking thing is… we were in the grocery store… and I saw it… in Janna’s hair… A SPIDER!!! And it musta been adrenaline or something cuz I flicked that spider out of her hair without even thinking! Then I saw the web still attached to my hand so I shook it off my hand!!! Ack! (I didn’t realize the web was still attached to my hand) BUT I USED MY HAND!!! AND I took a SPIDER out of Janna’s hair… That’s pretty brave for me! (I have arachnophobia)

BANGKOK TRAFFIC - Traffic is always bad so people never know how long it will take to get places. It depends on traffic. It could take half an hour it could take 2 hours! Normally Natti doesn’t like to drive much after 5:30pm… apparently that’s when the traffics the worst. But everyone tells us that traffic is ALWAYS the worst… lol I don’t know!
RAINY SEASON- ANOTHER big thing that makes people late or keeps people away from things is the rain… Mingle Mania people were sitting in traffic for 2 hours because of the rain… I guess traffic and rain go hand in hand with each other!

Janna and I have given ourselves different "titles" for different things…
A few of these include:

Jenjira's beautiful
 mango cutting skills ;)

I have been dubbed “Bruised Banana Eater” and Janna “Bug Swasher”. I am the “Pineapple Cutter” and Janna is the “Mango Cutter”. I’m the Monthly Reports girl and Janna is the Money Recorder girl.
Just fun little facts ;)

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