Thursday 14 July 2011

Blog Number Hok (6)

Dutch Blitz game with P'Kong, P'Kung, P'Jenjira & I
Well let’s see. Our prayer requests were ANSWERED!!! We have just felt so so busy! However, we were able to have 2 days off in a row! (Kind of 3 days because we didn’t have to present anything on Sunday either!) This allowed us to do a bunch of fun things! Even before the two days off we started being able to do some fun things… Like on Wednesday night after the DRIME info meeting, P’Kung, P’Kong, P’Jenjira and I played DUTCH BLITZ!!! (Ya DRIME Culture haha) P’Kong also taught us a Thai word that all the teenagers are saying these days “Ru rien” (apparently it’s slang for like “you got it” – Makes me think of Full House – You got it, dude! – Michelle Tanner) You have to nod your head when you say too ;)! Haha so funny! He also promised he would dance and sing for us next time!

Then on Thursday night after our other DRIME info meeting, we went to see Transformers 3 with Kung in the movie theatre. Did you know you have to stand up to pay respects to the king of Thailand (He’s been king for 65 years!!) while a little montage and song plays before the movie starts! Interesting Fact! And the seats in the movie theatre are not straight up and down seats… They are slightly reclined… which I didn’t really like. But they are pretty comfy… I think once I get past the fact that they are different than I expected I might grow to like them. Haha.

On Friday we went out and got our nails done! I even got some pretty jewels on my nails but they didn’t last very long lol. Getting your nails done in Thailand is SUPER CHEAP!!! It cost 100 baht for my toenails… that is $3!!! When can you EVER get a pedicure for $3 in Canada? The nail polish ITSELF is more expensive than that. Granted, I spent a little more on my fingernails because of the brand of nail polish I wanted to use (OPI) and the jewels… But it still was only 380 baht… which is like… $12. Not too bad. Without the jewels it would have been $6… so I prob won’t get the jewels again… they didn’t stay on long. Live and learn ;). After that we came home had dinner and watched Avatar. We had bought it a few weeks back (again only like 100 baht = $3). It was my first time seeing Avatar… It’s SO GOOD!!! Loved it! And we made it kinda like a movie night having pop and chips while we watched.

Then on Saturday we took a PINK taxi to Esplanade (a mall). We browsed around the different stores, we went to McDonalds for lunch! And later we went to Starbucks to grab a beverage and read for a bit… Kinda a taste of home day maybe? After that we went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 because they have a movie theatre in the mall – they also have a bowling alley and a skating rink and a grocery store… All in one, so great! The movie was so cute! We were going to do this day a few weekends back but our plans changed. So I was glad that we were able to have this day at Esplanade! 

Sunday we wanted to go to Natti’s church because we haven’t had the opportunity to go yet – we’ve been presenting at churches every weekend so this is the first Sunday we didn’t have to. So Natti’s church has 2 services and we were going to go with Natti early to the first service and then just take a taxi home… But she told us it would be better for us to come to the 2nd service because all the students come to that one and there aren’t any students that come out to the first one (very considerate of her). It was also very very nice to sleep in a little later on Sunday and do devos in the morning and have a later breakfast and get ready and go… Funny story tho… (and this is why I’m so grateful we know people and so grateful God works things out ahead of time and prepares us for everything) Natti had told us to call her in the morning and she would tell the taxi driver where to go. So we called her when she told us to… around 1pm (the service started at 2pm). She didn’t answer so we tried again… and again and again… no answer… We didn’t even know the area of the church to tell the taxi driver and wait for her to call us back so she could tell the taxi more details… And there were SO MANY taxis on the road… (unlike the other Sunday we needed a taxi lol) We kept shaking our heads at them, saying no, no… while we waited for Natti to call back. Thankfully, I had been talking to Joke on facebook a few nights before. (I knew him from last trip and we had exchanged numbers cuz he wanted to visit at some point) So I had his number and texted him something like this: Hey… we are trying to come to your church but Natti isn’t answering her phone. She was going to tell the taxi driver how to get to your church because we don’t know how. Are you at church already and can find her for us or can you help us talk to the taxi driver? He phone me RIGHT back… like literally a minute later! And he said he could HELP! YAY! So we flagged down the next taxi and handed the driver our phone. Joke told him where to go! Natti phoned about 10/15 mins into our taxi ride… she was so sorry but she had been busy doing something and saw like 5 missed calls from me and Janna. :S No problem! Mai ben rai! Joke was able to help us! He had told us if the taxi driver didn’t know where to go we could call him again. And… we had to. Lol.

Mahaporn Church - Natti's church
I gave Janna his number just before my phone died and that was just around the time the taxi driver tried to ask us where the church was. So we called him again. We saw someone up ahead on a phone in a white shirt… He was outside waiting for us! So we told the taxi to drive up to the guy in the white shirt (ironic – DRIME haha) Anyways… my point of that story is… we KNOW people here… and they are SO HELPFUL – ALL OF THEM!!! I don’t know how we’d manage without them! They are all such a blessing and a joy! Anyone who comes to Thailand or other countries on their own to backpack or whatnot; I don’t know how they do it – with the language barrior and not knowing their way around. We couldn’t even go get our nails done without help from Ning! Haha. Again, just so grateful we KNOW people here in Thailand! So blessed!

This week has mainly been following up with people and setting up more meetings with people and setting up other info meetings for the people who couldn’t make it on Wed or Thurs. We have another DRIME Info Meeting scheduled at MRC (Rangsit Church) this Sunday afternoon. Two girls who are interested in leadership will be at this meeting so pray that it goes well. (Also be praying for boys to be interested in leadership as well!) We also started to be able to work on planning the August trip more which is great because that is coming up so quickly – 26 days! Overall this week has been more of a relaxed week in comparison to our past weeks and the DRIME load. It’s been nice to have a bit more time for updates, reports, mpd and such.

Natti, Jenjira & I in our swim caps!
Oh! On Tuesday night, after work, we got to go swimming in the RAIN!!! I couldn't stop giggling! Oh and we looked super hot in our swim caps that we had to wear!
Check it out!

Tomorrow we leave for Ampawaa for a night. This weekend is a long weekend so the office is closed on Friday and some people go away. Jamie and some of her Alumni friends were heading up to that area to visit the floating marketplace and to see the fireflies at night…And she said we could join them! We are going up with them in a van but there wasn’t any room to stay with them in the homestay place they had already booked but they put us in a “resort” nearby apparently… We will be hanging out with them and then heading up to our room at night to sleep. I’m kinda excited… :D it will be an adventure! ...and we are back for our info meeting on Sunday, so it worked out perfect!

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