Wednesday 22 June 2011

Sunday – Janna and I sharing about DRIME at Prakanong Baptist Church and Rangsit Church

Sunday was GREAT!!! I don’t know HOW I had the energy for it… It was a very long and packed day, but so great! But my energy definitely came from God because it didn’t come from me!!! We started our morning by walking over to the TCCC where Ning and her husband Nu came and picked us up. They took us to their church. We met their pastor and he invited us to join their prayer meeting before the service. It was in Thai but it was still cool to be a part of. He asked if we had any prayer requests and so they prayed for my ear! He even put his hand on my ear when they were all praying. After the prayer meeting Janna and I got set up and prepared for speaking that morning. I definitely enjoyed the service. Worship here is amazing! I feel like there is just enough familiarity amongst the differences. If that makes sense. Basically I recognize a couple songs that I can sing along to and then I just bask in their voices and their language ringing out if it’s a song I don’t know. I think in the choirs of heaven, its going be sung in Thai ;) Maybe. We spoke about DRIME near the end of the service and I think it went well. I did blank on some of what I had prepared but I think what needed to be said was said. And I wasn’t the only one speaking; I do have my teammate that I can count on! J We definitely got some leads on potential members and/or leaders. That’s good news! J We also got to eat lunch and share about the ministry with another lady who wasn’t able to be in the service at the same time! Haha. And at lunch, they were making some homemade drinks – so I found a new favourite! Lemon Tea! J
Next adventure – We took a taxi by ourselves for the first time! We needed to get to Rangsit Church so Ning got us a (blue) taxi, gave us a map, told the taxi driver where to go and we were on our way! A little over an hour later we arrived at Rangsit Church. We were early, so we were chatting with Hack for a bit… Then Por came and showed us where we would be talking and training the drama. There was a Hip Hop class going on!!! Super exciting… I kinda wanted to learn too… But I felt embarrassed so I just was learning on the side… But everyone kept encouraging me and inviting me to join in… So I finally did J for a while. I knew I still needed to be able to have energy to train so I stopped cuz I didn’t want to push myself too hard. At 4pm we had a group of students that we shared with about DRIME and started teaching them “In the Light” (one of our dramas). Alot of people were interested in the ministry from that session as well. We have a lot of people we can follow up with J
After the session with the people from Rangsit Church, Matt took us out for our first Western Food dinner (since we’ve been here).  So appropriate that the other “farong” takes us farongs for farong food (farong = foreigner). Janna even got to ride with him on his motorbike. She’s been DYING to ride one! My “chariot” as Matt called it was with Por… He drove me to the restaurant in his truck. I had to get across 2 lanes of traffic of a busier road than I’m used to around our place, so Matt came out to meet me so I could safely cross! I feel so taken care of here! Everyone is so great!!! We had a great time at dinner and were able to get some more insight from Matt! It’s good that we had the opportunity to meet with him because our last scheduled meeting was postponed due to my ear infection. After dinner he was so kind as to get us a (green) taxi and tell them where to go (so helpful that people can speak Thai!) and so that was our second taxi ride in one day! I was so exhausted by this point so when we got home I went straight to bed (I was going back to the doctors in the morning).
Keep praying for healing for my ear infection as well as for wisdom and discernment through all of our time here. Pray also that our leadership team comes out of some of the connections we are beginning to make!
Khorb Khun Ka!
(Apparently my photos don't want to upload today so check out my facebook for pictures from Sunday!)

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