Wednesday 22 June 2011

Blog Number Si (4)

So as some of you are aware… I went to the doctors on Thursday morning. In Thailand, they don’t have walk-in clinics, they just have hospitals. So, Natti took me to the hospital. Before I saw the doctors, they weighed me, measured me, took my blood pressure AND my temperature. All that for just an ear infection??? But I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry, right? They took me into a room to see the doctor and I kind of felt like I was in a “movie”. They asked me to lie down on the table and a machine came down to look in my ear. I think it was just a light so the doctor could see. When the doctor walked in, I tested the waters to see if he spoke English or not. I said “Hi” and waited to see if he responded with Hello or Sawatdeekrap. Thankfully he spoke English which made me feel more comfortable. He told me that my ear was swollen – I had an ear infection. So he gave me some medicine for it and told me to come back and see him on Monday. He had put some cotton in my ear that he needed to take out then. He gave me pain-killer, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics, which really helped me to be able to sleep at night. I slept most of that day on Thursday, and that night I could sleep through the night. I didn’t wake up for long periods of time in pain like the last two nights. Progress! Thank you for your prayers!
I went back to the doctors on Monday for a follow up appointment… I still couldn’t hear but I half expected that when he took the cotton out that I would miraculously be able to hear. That unfortunately didn’t happen. The swelling had gone down and the pain (I had weaned myself off painkillers) wasn’t there anymore but my ear was still plugged. He cleaned out my ear with some sort of vacuum type of instrument. It felt really weird lol. He was now able to see farther into my ear because my ear canal wasn’t swollen anymore. He told me that I have 2 infections! That’s just lovely. :P One in my ear drum and one in “middle ear” or something like that. I’m not sure what that means. So I was given more medication and another follow up appointment. Natti said that if I feel better I don’t have to go back, so I hope I do feel better.
This has definitely been a frustrating experience with my ear because it’s been over a week and I’m so thankful it’s in the process of getting better and that we are in a place with good medical care but I still feel not at my full potential. You know? I want to be fully in this project and not miss out on anything. But that being said I am so blessed to have P’Natti and P’Kung looking out for me and for us! Taking time out of their busy schedules just to be able to take us to the hospital! They are so wonderful! We’ve been taking it day by day. It is definitely good that we are able to do that. I’ve definitely been a lot more exhausted than my usual self. It’s not jetlag. Didn’t really have too much of that, Praise the Lord! Janna’s been reminding me that it’s okay to rest. In my head that’s not always clear. I never allow myself to be sick and when I am, I just need to keep on keeping on. (Maybe one of my strengthfinders should be achiever? My 6th one maybe? lol) God has definitely shown me in the past that I need to learn to say “no” to things. I’m still not very good at doing that. Saying no to things when I need to rest and yes when I’m actually able to do some things. I’m still figuring what I can learn from or through this situation. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
Even tho I’ve been so exhausted, we still had a lot to do last week (in general but also) in preparing for Sunday. Janna went into the office a couple days while I was resting. I did most of my work from home because I was always exhausted! It’s so good that we have a place to work but also that we are able to work from home! On Tuesday I went into the office.  Even though I didn’t feel the greatest; I lasted all day! It was so good!  People definitely energize me!
Aside from my ear and even despite my ear, things are going amazingly over here. I love living here! I’ve felt so comfortable and at home since I got here. I get to see so many familiar faces of people I miss, as well as meet new friends! We are even picking up some of the language. Yin dii thii dai ru jak ka!!! (Nice to meet you!) The people here are so friendly! And helpful! As we have our Thai lessons there is always someone we can practice speaking with. Even if we think we sound silly! And I feel so taken care of! Our contacts over here are literally the best… They just keep blessing us! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! I get to live in Thailand and still have ppl back home that are praying for me &  Janna and just being so supportive and encouraging! Doesn’t matter that I have an ear infection, I’ve still been so blessed! (I still hope my ear heals quickly but the pain is gone and it’s just plugged. I’m still so blessed) J

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