Monday 1 August 2011

Summary and Prayer Requests

(I don't really know why I made this a separate blog... But here it is:)

I think I’m just really having a hard time all around. With the leadership stuff. With change. With the busy-ness. With the transition. (I’m looking forward for the end of August because I feel like that is when we will finally get a break! Even tho I’m excited to see people from home!) I love being here – I still do. I’m not homesick or sad or down at all. That’s not why I’m having a hard time. The task of planting a base was just harder than I expected (not that I really knew what to expect). I think sometimes, I try to do it on my own strength and I CANNOT!!! Please pray this for me. I so want and need God’s guidance and this task seems way too big for me. But I KNOW it’s NOT too big for God!

Things you can pray for me are:
To hear God’s voice – to be listening and have ears to hear. That I would trust what I hear from him to be TRUE.

For God’s strength in this big task (Choosing the Leadership Team)!  For energy, wisdom, insight, flexibility, adaptability and endurance!

For focusing on God always despite the many tasks I feel need to get done.

Prayer for restful sleeps. Both of Janna and I, to one degree or another have had trouble sleeping. It’s hard to function properly and make good decisions about the Base Plant without adequate sleep.

Also my eyes have been bugging me lately – itchy, red, little puffy at times. Prayer that my eyes stop bothering me (I especially need to wear contacts during when the team is here)

And my stomach acts up from time to time. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if something has dairy in it. So prayer that my stomach would not bother me. (Health in general would be great! But especially with my stomach)

Praise for:
God’s provision through his servants in so many ways! God just takes complete care of us through the amazing people he has placed in our lives and surrounded us with. One of which is each other! Praise the Lord!

That some of the details of the trip and ministry locations are falling into place! (Pray that this would continue)

Khorb Khun Ka Sumrop Khun Atti-tan! (thank you for your prayers)

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