Tuesday 30 August 2011

My GLORIOUS Birthday (August 12th)

So I got to spend my birthday in Thailand AND I was blessed to have the team here for it! So we celebrated big time thanks to my wonderful teammate Jenjira! Love you! So funny how “stelth” the were (not) about what I wanted to eat on my birthday! Crazy how they made it happen tho! That’s cuz P’Natti is amazing!

celebrating with friends!
at the salon
So the day started off like this: I went with P’Kung to the salon to get my hair shampooed and styled! I never straighten it here cuz I left my straightener at home (on purpose) so this was a nice change! It was a glorious start to my morning! And it only cost 70 thb! That’s like just over 2 dollars! So good! The road was kind of empty in the morning because it was Mother’s Day in Thailand (the Queen’s Birthday) so it was a holiday but I was thankful this hair salon was open! J Then I ran home to grab my guitar because we were going to worship together with the team! When I walked in the room, everyone started singing Happy Birthday and then they gave me a present from the team! I got some movies and chocolate and earrings and Captin Flint (a stuffed giraffe) and a card full of encouraging things J! Then we sang a couple worship songs together and I headed off to skype with my family! Just before lunch time Matt came to give a Buddism talk to the team because it was a -training day for them. He a little bit gave away that we were having “sa-pagetti” for lunch… But that’s okay I kinda new anyways since Janna and Lillian were SO STELTH at asking me the day before ;) (love you)! So we went and had lunch and it TASTED LIKE HOME!!! A’Roi Mak Mak Mak ka! P’Natti had made it herself AND made garlic bread with no dairy just for me! J So thoughtful! And for my birthday cake: COW NEAU MA MOUNG!!! With candles in it!!! I blew out the candles and had one left over hehe… Throughout the day the DRIME team had different presents for me from people back home! I felt so special and so celebrated! Zipp even stopped by the office to give me a chocolate bar – she remembered it was my birthday! J Aww! So sweet! We continued training and practicing dramas and everything that was scheduled. For dinner I got to pick first and so I had cow pad gai – obvs ;) haha. (chicken fried rice). After dinner we shared some testimonies and I felt like I got to know my team a lot better. (Who knew HOW much better I would get to know them by the end of 2.5 weeks!) And we did a team activity where we wrote what we wanted our team to look like and what we didn’t want it to look like. It was fun! Myraya stopped by at some point and said happy birthday and a few other things happened… Near the end of the night Jenjira came over and asked me how my day was… It was just wonderful and glorious! So blessed to have a teammate like her that made me feel so celebrated on my special day! And it was so awesome to have things I missed and or needed from home! J I’m a little bit spoilt! Love everyone who helped in any way to celebrate me on my birthday! It truly was amazing!

Here's a few pictures:
presents from Emily and Elsie: earrings and Captin Flint the giraffe

worship time with the team

skyping with my family

practicing Redemption

Eating Sa-pagetti that P'Natti made: mMm! Tastes like HOME! <3

Blowing out the candles on my cow neau ma moung cake!

More training - Silence practice.

Darrell the DRIMER: team covenant

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