Monday 8 August 2011

Blog Number Bad (8)

So… It’s almost that time… The team from Vancouver comes in only a couple days! They arrive late at night on August 10th. There are lots of little last minute things that need to be done and we are still re-arranging our ministry schedule and locations… just with getting permission and confirming locations and that sort of thing. But we are hoping to finish everything up and be able to have a day of rest on Wednesday – because whenever we plan days off… It doesn’t really happen… Something always comes up. And even if we try to explain how busy we are… people don’t really understand and therefore we end up doing things on our days off. (Pray that Wednesday is protected as a day off!) We are grateful to have Emily here to help if something does come up for Wednesday.

Blowing out her candle

Emily arrived back to stay with us last Thursday afternoon! And it was her birthday the day before so Janna and I bought her a mickey mouse cake and had cards for her and a few things. She loved it! J On Friday night, after work, Emily and I went out adventuring – we went grocery shopping at the Big C, then we walked over to Robinson and had some yummy dinner, then we went looking for Esplanade… We asked a Tuk-tuk driver where Esplanade was but he didn’t understand… So we just went looking for it ourselves… When we thought we went too far, I ASKED someone in THAI… and they pointed us in the right direction… so we walked the opposite way (oops) back to the mall… and ran inside just as it started to pour! Inside after walking around for a bit we found a shop called Swensens… and OH MY WORD it is amazing! It’s an ice cream shoppe with MENUS… So many choices wow! (I know I know my stomach doesn’t really like it but it was okay cuz I had my lactose pills)
Amazing Creations of Ice Cream from Swensens!!!

Emily and Janna went to explore JJ Market on Saturday while I walked over the overpass to a coffee shop on the otherside (no I didn’t order coffee :P) called Café Amazon. There, I wrote some letters, cards, postcards, journalled for a bit, read my bible a bit and just had some quiet time to do my own thing. The sky kept looking like it would pour at any moment but it didn’t until after I was at home. Thankfully! Because atm Janna and I share an umbrella and she had it with her at JJ Market. I had been there for a little while and my smoothie was done so one of the employees brought me over a cute little glass of water. So sweet of them! When I was done hanging out at the coffee shop… I walked around and found A&W for dinner! Had some curly fries with my meal! And I was content eating by myself in the restaurant… Which is weird because I’ve always found it awkward to eat by yourself in a restaurant… Maybe cuz it was a fast food restaurant it’s different, I dunno? I saw some other for-rung come in to get food as well. Funny funny. 
watching Gnomeo and Juliet
I walked home and Janna and I introduced Emily to cow neau ma moung, while watching Gnomeo and Juliet! It’s the first time we’ve had cow neau ma moung in like a month!!! I miss it so! After we watched the movie in English – Janna had never seen it – we found out that you could change the language to Thai and have English subtitles. It was funny to hear them speak in Thai but I feel like it would be good practice and helpful for us learning Thai to watch the whole thing in Thai you know? Even tho the only words I could pick out were words I already knew tho. Too bad Emily will take the movie with her when she leaves with the team.

"coffee" after dinner with the Chees
On Sunday we saw the Chees at our church. They are staying at the TCCC guest house but they had just arrived in the night before. We chatted a little at church and made plans for dinner. We took them to what we call “the far place” (it’s really not that far but that’s just our name for it haha) After dinner, Jerry wanted coffee… I think Lillian’s going to like having Jerry around for this reason – lol. So we went out for coffee (neither janna nor I had coffee – because it was late and I don’t like coffee anyways) but it was good. I had cha mannow instead (lemon tea).

Out for lunch at the Black Noodle
Today Caleb and Kong trained in some dramas with Emily! They learnt really fast! They learnt 3 before lunch (in 2 hours of training) Way to go boys!!! I’m so excited that Kong is able to come out with us to some ministry times during the trip! We thought he would be too busy! But Por (his discipler) is being very flexible! So great! So we went out for lunch together at the Black Noodle (a Korean restaurant) My food had a SMILEY face on it! J So great! When we came back the boys were going to learn some more dramas but their brains were done for the day. Janna and I decided to split up because Jerry had arranged some meetings for us, however we both had a lot of work to do yet before the team came so we couldn’t afford to have both of us in meetings for the next two days when we have lots to prepare for the team coming. So I stayed at the office and worked on some details for that!

So about this whole leadership team thing: God told us to wait. (which is definitely hard for me but the stress of having them chosen before the team came is now gone) Please continue to pray for this decision because it is very very important! We are hoping that the applicants can come out to ministry so we can see them in action and get to know them better. And/or that God will show us someone we haven’t met yet that is a perfect fit for DRIME leadership! We do however feel very confident in Kung and she will definitely be a DRIME leader J Just please please please keep praying that the rest of the leadership team will fall into place!

So I probably won’t have that much time to blog once the team arrives, so I’ll be older the next time I talk to you! Haha. I can’t believe my birthday’s THIS Friday – even tho I keep reminding everyone else that it is ;) (what!? – I’m in a new country with new friends… how would they know unless I tell them – subtle hints of course! ;) bahahaha) I’m turning older in a DIFFERENT country! In Thailand! Crazy! Haha. Plus - I kinda get 2 birthdays because of the time difference ;) haha. 3 more days of being 22!
me with my smiley face lunch!

Until next time,
I appreciate your prayers! And thank God for having you in my life! I'm so glad I'm surrounded by people who support me! Love you all! God bless! Pra Jaow Auay Porn Ka!

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