Tuesday 2 December 2014

68,289.62 Kenyan Schilling!

Praise God!

We raised enough to send a solid $900 to Eva in two portions... That works out to be 68,289.62 Kenyan Schilling. I was advised to send the money in two portions to make sure that I don't get flagged unnecessarily for sending money to Africa. Everything went smoothly when I sent the money and she is able to receive the money now. (Praise the Lord for his continued provision that we did not run into obstacles!)

I sent the first portion to Eva today and messaged her with details of how she could receive it. When she read my message she was blown away. This is her response when I told her the good news:

"Praise be to God! When I saw this message, tears of joy were rolling down. dear, thank u for praying & sharing with other friends about me. your encouragement & concern too has been a blessing. I appreciate all at large for their contribution. Well, will update u when I receive. tks." - Eva -

We will be sending the second portion on Thursday. :)

Again I just want to echo with a HUGE THANK YOU for all your prayers and support - God has used you to touch Eva's life and bless her. Blessings to you. xo

Tuesday 18 November 2014

God's faithfulness! - Eva Update

God provides! God provides! God provides!

Trust Him.

Just Trust.

Wow, I'm incredibly blown away by how God has provided for Eva... this is the first update I am giving of the amount that people have pledged or given and it is already up to $700 for Eva's surgery!!! That is incredible, fantastic, amazing!

Just a week or two ago, I sat down for coffee with a friend and asked him if I could share with a certain group of people we like to call "DRIMERS". Eva herself is a DRIMER and I just wanted to share her story with the DRIME family so that we could pray for the need of a fellow sister in Christ. At that point the amount that was raised for Eva was around $300. (Not to mention the blessings I felt leading up to that $300. Each person informing me that this was the amount that was placed on their heart to give)

Last night, when I was able to share her story with them, I was able to inform them that we have raised $620 towards that goal.

Coming in I expected that people wouldn't be giving today because, first of all, who carries cash these days? I know I don't! Secondly, they had no idea I was coming to share this with them. And thirdly, I know the cost of being a student is high, so there often isn't left over for extra things like this.

However, I'm reminded again and again and again that it doesn't matter what we have, who we are or what way we are expected to act. God can use us despite any limitations we put on ourselves. And he used his people tonight.

God's heart was in that room, and I could see it in people's eyes as I shared - they were touched deeply by this need and this story.

And I was touched too. From the moment one girl bravely decided to raise her hand and say, "Can we give right now?," others joined with her and still others shared their hearts to give.

To be honest, I'm very much a planner and I usually prepare what I'm going to say, but tonight I didn't. I basically said, "God, you've got this," and I shared from my heart.

I'm blown away by God's provision... I truly, truly am!

You can see the updated amount on the thermometer - we are so close! God will provide. I know He will.

***Housekeeping Note*** I will be sending whatever amount of money comes in for Eva to her at the end of November. (And I know that will be the exact amount she needs) Therefore, if you are sending me anything for her by mail, please post-mark the envelope no later than Monday, November 24th, 2014 so it will reach me in time. Or if you are giving it to me in person, please make sure I have that by Friday, November 28th, 2014.

 May God Bless you as you come alongside Eva in her journey.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Prayer that can move mountains

This is Eva’s story…

Greetings, my friends; I trust you are keeping well. I would love to hear how you are doing and catch up with you. Right now, however, I have something pressing on my heart that I would like to share with you.

Eva (left) and I in Tanzania, Africa 2013
I met a wonderful and amazing sister in Christ named Eva. This girl has faith that moves mountains; her strength and reliance on God is just incredible. When I met Eva, she had a certain stomach problem that she had been dealing with for about two years prior, but you could never tell because she has such joy in her heart. Despite the pain she is in on a daily basis, she continues to praise the Lord with her whole heart, in every moment, and never complains. By today, she's been dealing with this stomach problem for almost four years. That is a long time to be in pain that is treatable.

There is a surgery that, Lord willing, will make her feel better. Unfortunately, the surgery costs $1,000, which is more than she can afford. She is in the process of raising funds, and though it is difficult in Africa, she has already raised a quarter of her goal. Praise the Lord for his provision already! That's only $750 more dollars to go to help her feel healthy and normal again! If we give this to God, it is PEANUTS; it's really nothing!
Eva and Janna preforming "In the Light",
a DRIME drama

I empathize so much with her because of what I went through before I went to the naturopath. Some days, I was in so much pain that I felt like I wanted to rip my intestines out of my body. Thankfully, I had the resources to get better. However, I know the energy that it takes out of you; the unfunctionality of it all. It just really tugs at my heartstrings because I've been there.

As soon as she told me she was not doing well and was trying to raise money for the surgery, my heart connected with her. I instinctively wanted to come up with some sort of fundraiser, but as much as I love to create those sort of things, I realized it would not be fast enough. That takes time and effort and the faster she is able to have the surgery the quicker she will not be in pain and feel better, feel what normal feels like.

It’s HONESTLY INCREDIBLE to feel NORMAL when you are used to feeling in pain all the time!!!

I know you don't know my friend Eva, but if you feel a nudge in your heart at all, please don't ignore it; please give. Even if you can't give – please pray. Prayer is powerful and it moves mountains. We all need to believe that God can make Eva feel well again, one way or another. It doesn't matter how much you have to offer – I believe together as a body of Christ, God will bless whatever amount comes in, and multiply it in ways that are so unexpected.

She doesn't know that I'm reaching out to you. She knows I want to give because I so relate to her story. Unfortunately, I can’t give the rest; though I wish I could. Instead, my prayer is that God would provide to the penny the amount she needs, and that she will be able to book a surgery very soon! I pray that she will be blessed by your prayers and your gifts. Even though she doesn't know you personally, I hope she will feel the compassion and love you have for her, in her heart, all the way in Kenya.

Please only give cash donations, if you would like to write a cheque, you can make it payable to “Samantha Pasielski” and I will be sending any gifts received for Eva through Western Union. Please note there will be no tax receipts available for this gift, however, all donations will be handled in a professional way. To follow our progression towards the $750 goal for Eva, feel free to go to www.samanthainthailand.blogspot.com for the most up to date information. See the sidebar to the right.

Eva, Evelyn, Samantha 2013

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this letter. Thank you for keeping Eva’s story on your heart and praying for her. May your prayers make an eternal difference in Eva’s life and the lives she connects with in her community. Thanks for coming alongside a sister in need. Your prayers and gifts are very much appreciated; we are extremely grateful for your part in Eva’s journey.