Wednesday 9 November 2011

God’s love and hope shines through the murky waters

TCCC staff still serving their country - iServe!!!

I can see the hurt and pain in my friends' lives due to the loss of their homes, cars and other possessions. Living at the guesthouse, they are surrounded by the same people, yet something is different: they are not in their home. I had that feeling when we were on vacation; it is nice to be somewhere else but you always want to come home at some point. No one knows how long the water may remain – possibly longer than a month. So the staff worry about the damages to their homes and vehicles and how they will restore these things once the water is gone. Despite the loss that the TCCC staff have endured and how they have been affected, the staff are giving thanks and continuing to serve! It’s amazing how they are letting God use them despite how they have been affected. They are looking at the situation with God’s eyes and thinking of this time as a rare opportunity to serve others and show people who God is. TCCC has been able to order some boats from the US. The boats in Thailand are hard to find during this situation so it’s great that they are able to get some from the States. Whenever they get on a boat and go to the affected area (Mueng Ake) they have shirts that say “iServe” (like an ipod or iphone) that they wear! The police have blocked off some areas to the public but when they see the iServe shirts the police are happy to let them through. All the help they are providing costs money but they are serving and helping knowing that God will provide! Such faith! Money for boats, food, supplies. As well as once the water leaves, money to restore lost applicances, furniture, personal belongings amoung other things. I am amazed by this community and how God works the most through hard devastating times. I’m sure we will all look back at this time and see how God’s glory shone brightly through the murky waters of the flood.

Check out this video that shows you a glimpse into what is happening in Thailand:
I encourage you to not only watch the video but also read below where there are some statistics about the floods and how you can respond through prayer or donations. I’m praying God opens up your heart to Thailand. Is God speaking to you today?

Please continue to be praying for the nation of Thailand!!!

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