Monday 12 September 2011

Blog Number Gao (9)

This week has been refreshing. I feel like we are finally able to experience & embrace more of Thailand. It's been a  wonderful change since my transition into base planting work was harder than I anticipated.

There were a lot of really good days this week. It started on Tuesday… (Well Monday night was pretty great too… I got to skype with some friends for a looong time and it was wonderful) I was supposed to get my headboard changed in my room and they told me they would send someone up to do it at 9am. I went down and talked to the people in the office downstairs through Kung via phone (because I can’t speak Thai :P) and they told me to wait til 10:30am/11am. But the person never ended up coming and when I went down to check they told me… not today. But while I was waiting I was able to spend some time with Jesus... which was good and really makes a difference in your day! Previously, I had not been in the right frame of mind. I had been experiencing different emotions such as frustration, bitterness, loneliness and separation and I didn’t want to choose to feel this way – I wanted to feel joyful etc. However, Tuesday I felt like it was going to be a GOOD day! And it was J We had a meeting in the afternoon with our DRIME peeps. At the meeting P’Natti had the same idea for structure of DRIME Thailand that Janna and I had. Which helped confirm it for me because all I knew what that God wanted me to Trust Him. And we got to hear Ning, Jumm and Natti’s heart and what kind of involvement they desire to have in the DRIME ministry here in Thailand. Also after we came home from work we had dinner and watched a lot of episodes of Big Bang Theory… It was good because it was some much needed Janna/Samantha time. J And it was “normal” from before (the team was here) to come home from the office, eat dinner and watch some episodes of something and so I think that definitely helped my transition back into life here in Thailand and with the Base Plant work.

On Wednesday I felt SO PRODUCTIVE! Janna and I were able to finally sit down together and look at our goals and where we wanted to be at this point of the base plant, evaluate all that was left and move some of our sticky notes around of what needed to be accomplished when. We were able to finalize the roles of the DRIME Thailand Leaders, what it will look like here. AND THEN… We started planning our first leaders meeting. And it was really fun and exciting to start thinking and planning what we were going to teach them and how we were going to build into them! Especially fun because I was able to use colourful markers and paper to visually see what we were going to do with them and it made it a more fun way to plan. On Thursday we continued planning and getting ready for our FIRST OFFICIAL LEADERS MEETING the next day!

"Trouble" - I mean... our new leaders
Friday was spent in preparation for our first meeting with the campus leadership team that night. Natti was able to take us to Robinson Mall where we got all the necessary binders, pens, snacks, prizes etc. for our meeting. We came back to the office and finished off the DRIME Trivia game, printing information & putting together the campus leaders’ binders, writing/making cards and just getting everything organized. We planned what parts of the meeting each of us were leading in the taxi on the way to KU (Kasetsart University) because we were getting down to the wire to get things finished. But it all kinda fell into place and we were able to pray for the meeting in the taxi as well. When we got there the boys told us to meet them at a coffee shop – so we had our meeting in a coffee shop at KU. J 
Opening their gifts/cards
We welcomed them, gave them welcome to the DRIME Leadership team gifts, prayed for them, went through logistics, played a couple DRIME games which helped them start learning more about the history of DRIME and PTC etc. Kong is very competitive, lol it’s so sweet how he was getting into the game! We didn’t make it through all the questions but they all really seemed to enjoy it! At one point we thought we would stop but they were like – let’s do some more questions! We even got to stay longer than we had planned because it started to pour outside so we had to wait out the rain. Yay that God gave us more time with them! It was honestly such a fun meeting! These three are such a fun group! At one point, I think it was Kung who said something about how the three of them together would be “trouble”. But I see it as the good kinda trouble. haha. They like to joke and tease each other but their hearts are all in the right place, focused on God and how they can serve Him. It’s really precious to see. I think that’s kinda a requirement in DRIME (not officially tho – lol) to be the good kinda trouble. (Like I just think of putting Fred, Emily and Andrea together or any of the DRIME Vancouver leaders – the good kinda trouble right? ;) Haha) 
First official leaders mtg
Their relationship with one another is a quality that you can’t produce or teach; it’s naturally there or it’s not. So I’m excited to see how DRIME Thailand grows and God’s kingdom grows through these 3 individuals’ willing hearts and creative vision. After the meeting, when the rain lessened, P’Por offered to drive us to a taxi. When we got to the car my umbrella got stuck and wouldn’t close. A few cars were coming and it was raining so I got in and closed the door but I had to leave the umbrella half out and half in. When there was a break in traffic (we were parked, don’t worry!) Kung saved the day by closing it! And we were off! P’Por was so sweet and actually drove us all the way home! Maybe because we were willing to come out and meet him at his campus, he was more willing to go out of his way to take us home. We told him he didn’t have to, that we would take a taxi, but he wanted to. Sweetheart. Yup.

P’Kung slept over at our place because on Saturday we went to THE BEACH!!! 6 of us girls all piled into P’Natti’s truck at around 7:30am and we were off, headed to Pattaya! On the way it was raining but we were hoping and praying that that would change. We got to the place where we would be taking a boat to get to the island with the beach we were going to. It was kind of windy so we were going to go to the mall to kill time but the mall wasn’t open yet as it was only 9:30am! 
So we used the hong nam at the Hilton (it was GORGEOUS inside) and then went to 7/11 to get snacks for the beach. Everything is more expensive on the island. When we went to check about our boat, they told us it was leaving in 8 mins and the next one didn’t come for another hour! So we speed walked to the end of the pier where our boat was and got on! They had these two guys who would stand by the side of the boat and the steps and hold your hands to help you hop onto the boat when it was safe. The boat was rocking in the waves so sometimes they wouldn’t let you on right away. It made me a little bit nervous but everyone got on safe! At first we sat on the sides of the boat but someone told us we would get wet if we sat there so we moved to the middle. And we were glad we did! We still got a little wet, more like just a spray tho. If we were sitting on the sides we would have gotten soaked! I really enjoyed the boat ride, just contemplating life and enjoying the experience! Jumm started feeling seasick tho and just before we got off Natti felt the same. We all made it to the island and when we got off the boat it was even SUNNY!!! The beach that we were headed to was about 10 mins away by song tow (type of truck) or motor taxi. I was a little nervous to ride a motor taxi as I’ve never done it before but that is the mode of transportation that we ended up taking. We went 2 people on a motor bike tho which was good. I was thankful to have Ning come with me! There were a couple moments I felt we were going to fall off and a couple moments that I really enjoyed it but mostly both going up and down the steep hills made me nervous! I liked when we drove on flat land… haha. 
When we got there we put our stuff down and Janna and I walked along the beach and just enjoyed being there! The first time in 3 months that we got to go to a beach in Thailand! Praise the Lord! I’m so thankful it was so sunny and beautiful! We came back from our stroll and ate lunch and then went in the water for a bit. We talked and just enjoyed being at a beach! Twas glorious! When we got out it was just about time to leave because we wanted to catch the boat before it started to rain. 
me and my coconut drink
But first I got a coconut smoothie in a coconut shell… Because – common it has to be done! Haha. After that we packed up and took a song tow back to where we would catch the boat. We sat on the top of the boat this time. I think it was better up there lol. Ning and I had a wonderful conversation… She is so funny! Da Lohk! She made up this really catchy song about the word “okay” in thai! Hehe. “Ja Ja. Ja Ja Ja. Ja Ja. Ja Ja Ja Ja” We drove for a bit and then had dinner and cow neau ma moung for dessert. It was so tastey! I think one of the best cow neau ma moung’s I’ve had since being here! A’Roi Mak Mak ka!

So all in all we got to go the beach on an island in Thailand, we were surrounded with our friends (Ning, Kung, Natti, Jumm& Janna) we got to eat cow neau ma moung, I got to have a coconut shake in a coconut shell and I rode a motor taxi for the first time! I feel so blessed to be able to experience Thailand this way! A wonderfully glorious day!

the kids with their snakes
Sunday was Janna’s birthday! So we went to church in the morning and I helped Kung with Sunday School for the group of kids that have been coming to church since DRIME performed in their community. I taught them the English song, “My God is so big!” with the actions and stuff… It was fun! Then Kung taught them Bible while I went and ate my breakfast (from 7/11 lol – pretty much every Sunday cuz we are always in a rush lol) and I came back and listened to Kung tell the story of Adam and Eve and the serpent in the garden in Thai. Then we made a craft! We made a snake that was like a paper chain style. All the kids did a great job! And the boys made really long ones… haha! And I was still able to get to the service after helping, so great! Just missed worship unfortunately. 
us at the bowling alley
After church and lunch Janna went looking for Looknut but unfortunately she was sick so their meeting with a lady couldn’t happen. That meant that we could go bowling earlier! So we asked around if people were free to come bowling with us and if P’Por was willing to drive. He was! So Por, Kong, Nadia, Matt, Kung, Janna and I headed off to Major to go bowling! Quite the experience! They gave us a token to put in a locker of your shoe size and the shoes come out the bottom; kinda like a vending machine! It was 10 pin bowling and really fun to hang out with friends! Janna had pulled a muscle in her back earlier in the week and one of the times that she bowled she re-injured it; which meant she couldn’t play anymore. :( Since she wasn’t able to play I gave her the present I had for her. She opened it and loved it! (It was a journal with a bunch of notes and pictures from friends) After bowling we went out for food at KFC and then Por and Kung wanted to sing Karaoke so we all went and joined them. I totally would have sung if there were English songs… But there weren’t. It was still so fun!

looking through the journal she got for her birthday - full of words from friends :)
All in all the weekend was so fun and I just feel like I’ve had more of an opportunity to experience more of Thailand! And I’m so grateful for that! Thank you for the blessings, Lord!

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