Sunday 18 December 2011

Thankful and Blessed for my experience!

A big welcome at the Vancouver Airport - from DRIME and Family <3

It’s been two weeks since I returned home from Thailand. I can’t believe that it’s going by so fast and 7 more days until Christmas! I just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all of your support along the way. I appreciate it so much! This experience, this Base Plant has been a life-changing experience. I have grown so much over the past 6 months and though it was hard to grow and be refined by the fire and purified (and I’m by no means “there” yet)… overall it was an incredible and fulfilling experience that I wouldn’t change for the world. I learned more about myself, I was challenged and stretched, I experienced a flood (which I feel so blessed to have gotten to experience and just really have a heart for what my friends are going through and still serving with their whole hearts), I learned more about God and how He provides and how no matter what your circumstances you need to give thanks because God knows what He is doing... He has you there for a reason! Khorb Khun Pra Jaow! (Praise the Lord/Thank you God) I learned a lot of things and I am still processing more of them... One thing I know is that I miss my Thai family and treasure them with all my heart! I'm so thankful and blessed to have gotten to know this culture and this family of brothers and sisters that live across the world from me now. They are wonderfully amazing and inspiring and oh so special to me! 

This is a picture of a mirror to represent that YOU are important to me... Who do you see in this mirror? THAT is who I am thankful for! Khorb Khun Pra Jaow Sumrop Khun!
Thank you for being part of my journey… supporting me, encouraging me along the way, following my blog, my updates, my pictures… ANYTHING you have done along the way has meant the world to me and I just want YOU to know what a vital part of this ministry and this experience YOU are. Thank you for letting God use you! When you listen to what He’s calling you to do…He WILL use you in BIG ways! Khorb khun mak ka!

Just an update on the flood situation: The waters have gone down and the electricity is back. Praise be to the Lord! They can drive with big trucks through the Mueng Ake area. Now the staff are focusing on cleaning, restoration, and planning the Christmas Evangelism Service on Dec 25th. Please keep them in your prayers as this will be a big job for them. It amazes me that we were JUST there and saw SO MUCH water with our OWN eyes and now it’s gone! God is so good!

Please also continue to pray for our leaders as they have the job of recruiting and starting up the team still once the cleaning/restoration is done and they can go back to regular ministry.
Khorb Khun Mak ka for your prayers!

My Fabulous Leaders (who I miss dearly) in the shirts we made for them! 
They say "iMake.... Jesus Inescapable. DRIME Thailand"
From left to right: Kong, Janna, Por, Samantha, Kung

Thursday 1 December 2011

Leaving on a jet plane...

Super super quick update!

We are packing today! We are leaving for the airport tomorrow night! I can't believe that it has been six months already. I have grown so attached to this country and the people here. I will definitely miss them and I will update you more when I am home because right now I have lots of packing to do!

See you soon!